Tuesday, April 19, 2011

OBIEE 11G 64-Bit - Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 SP2 X64 Server Installation

This is the detailed installation of OBIEE11G on a 64bit Machine. This is my first post, so let me know of any suggestions or questions.

Server Configuration
OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 SP2 X64
Database: Oracle 11gR2 X64 (
Java JDK: Java JDK 6u24 X64 Windows and JRE 6u24 X64 Windows
Weblogic Server: WLS 10.3.3 X64 (Generic Version)
RCU: OFM RCU WIN 32 (available only in 32 bit)
OBIEE 11G: OBIEE 11g R1 x86-64 ( - Software only install
OBIEE 11G Client Tools Install: OBIEE 11G client Tools Installation 32bit (It doesn’t have Catalog Manager)
****Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) prior to the installation of Oracle BI on Microsoft Windows X64.
Java JDK 6u24 X64 Windows and JRE 6u24 X64 Windows installation steps
JDK and JRE are available at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
Run jre-6u24-windows-x64.exe
Choose the destination folder if required. After the successful completion of the installation close the window.
Now, Run jdk-6u24-windows-x64.exe
Click Next ....
If JDK comes with JRE, then no need of doing the first step. All the above shown features will be installed.
Change the destination folder for Java JDK (if necessary). Click Next.....
Click finish to complete the Java JDK installation. Also add the Java path in Environment Variables.
After the installation, you should have them available at the specified location on the drive as shown above.
Weblogic Server 10.3.3 X64 (Generic Version) installation steps
Product available at: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/weblogic/downloads/wls-main-097127.html
Use Generic Version for 64-bit JVM support and is the supported installation for OBIEE 11
Prerequisite: For 64 bit operating systems, the Weblogic installation program does not install a JDK. Filenames for these installation programs end in .jar. To run these .jar programs, you must have appropriate version of JDK installed on your system, and include bin directory of JDK at the beginning of the PATH variable definition.

Before Starting the Installation:
- Create a Middleware_Home directory which holds all the weblogic server components along with the OBIEE components.
- The installation program uses the Temporary directory into which it extracts files that are needed to install the software on the Target System. By Default, installer uses the directory that is referenced by the TMP variable. If you do not have enough space to run the installation program you need to set the Temporary directory as described in Tale 2-2 of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Weblogic Server Installation Documentation.
URL: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E14571_01/doc.1111/e14142/prepare.htm#i1183981
- Do not include any spaces in the name of Middleware Home directory.
Weblogic Server Installation - Graphical mode
Run wls1033_generic.jar to start the installation
Click next on the Welcome Screen...
Select the new Middleware Home Directory (C:’MW_HOME)and Click Next.....
Click next to continue to next screen..........
Choose Typical Installation by default (or Custom installation for specific products) and click next.....
In this screen, as we are using Generic version where JDK and JRE are not bundled Browse for the Local JDK and select as shown above and click next...................
Choose product installation directories and click next.....
Note: It is recommended to have all the products within the Middleware home directory.
Select the All Users option and Click Next......
Review the Summary screen and Click Next..........
Installation progress screen.................
This completes the installation of Weblogic server. Check Run Quick start if you want to see some sample domains and online documentation.
OFMRCU WIN 32 installation steps
Run RCU from Windows 32-bit client for OBIEE 11G 64-bit installations
Open rcuHome -> bin -> rcu.bat file from 32-bit Windows Client
Double click to run it or open it from Command prompt
Click Next…..
Select CREATE and click Next…..
Provide the Database connection details for the server and Click Next…..
The screen above will provide the pre-requisite check and after its ‘operation completed’ dialogue click OK….
Select the prefix (default DEV) - MARBI
Select the Schemas that need to be deployed on the database (MDS and BIPLATFORM) as shown above.
The given prefix will be added to the Schemas as shown above.
Then Click Next……
Complete the Pre-Requisites checker and click ok…….
Provide the passwords for the schemas. It is recommended to have same password for both the schemas…. Click Next for Manage Table Spaces Screen…..
Click Next to create table spaces and deploy these Schemas……….click ok for any warnings/pop-ups….
Click OK to continue…….
Review the summary screen and click ‘CREATE’ to create the schemas….image029
Progress Screen….
This is the Summary Screen showing the completion of the creation of the Schemas on the database OBIEE. Click close to complete.
You can verify the schemas using the following command on server
SQL> SELECT username FROM all_users ORDER BY username;
Here we have the schemas MARBI_MDS and MARBI_BIPLATFORM.
OBIEE 11g R1 x86-64 ( - Software only install Steps
Extract the whole OBIEE 11G 64bit Package to a location where the path doesn’t have any spaces as shown below
After Extracting the Zip files to a directory, Go to
and double click on Setup.exe to start the Universal installer.
This will bring the following screen.........
Welcome Screen....
Click Next to continue.......
On the Select Installation Type Screen Select "SOFTWARE ONLY INSTALL" Type and click Next........
On the above Pre-requisite checks screen, make sure everything passed without any errors. If an error message appears it is recommended to try to fix the error before proceeding further with the installation.
Note: Your Installation might not function properly if you continue the pre-requisite check screen errors or warning messages without resolving them......
e image038
Select the Oracle Middleware Home same as the Middle ware home where the weblogic server was installed and select the name for Oracle Home Directory for Oracle _BI installation.
By default Oracle Home Directory will be Oracle_Bi1, which was changed in the above installation to Oracle_MARBI. The Middleware Home is selected same as weblogic server home C:’MW_HOME.
Then Click Next.....image039
Specify My Oracle Account support account for security updates...
On the Summary screen, verify the details and save the response file (optional) and click Next to start the installation...
On the installation Progress screen, monitor the installation process and if you need to stop the installation, click Cancel.
Note: Provide the path for Disk 2,3,4 (disk1_2 of 2) location to continue with the install as shown below till ’stage ’. or it is always good to have all the discks copied into a single directory which doesn’t have any spaces.
Path: $BI11G$’bi_windows_x86_111130_64_disk1_2of 2’bishiphome’Disk2’stage
and do it for disk 3, disk 4 and continue with the installation...image044
After completing the SOFTWAR ONLY INSTALL....Click Next to continue for completion summary screen.........image047
Click Finish to Exit OBI11G installer and complete the installation.
This Completes the installation, and now we need to perform the Post installation tasks related to the Software only Install.
After Installation
Post - Installation Tasks:
Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence with Configuration Script
With Oracle Business Intelligence configuration script you can configure BI software that was installed through software only install.
Limitation: You cannot extend the domain using the OFM Configuration Wizard. You cannot add more OBI components to a existing BI domain using this Wizard. And also you cannot add OBI components to an existing domain created by Weblogic server or any other product.
It is strongly recommended to use static IP address on the server. Check for these before starting the Configuration Wizard from Command Prompt:
nslookup hostname
nslookup hostname.domainname
nslookup IPaddress
Running Configuration Script:
Start the script from
ORACLE _HOME (BI HOME): ’’MW_HOME’Oracle_MARBI (Oracle_bi1)’bin
Run Config.bat command
Welcome screen for the Configuration Wizard..........Click Next....
Complete the pre-requisite check and click next......
On Create or Scale out BI system screen, click create new BI System and enter the
username: MARBI
Password: *****
Domain Name: MAR_bifoundation_domain
Note: Make sure no BI domain of the same name already exists.
as shown above and click next to continue........
On the Specify Installation Location Screen, All the values will be by default, (optionally Change them),
Instance Home: c:’MW_HOME’instances’MARBI
Instance name: MARBI (default: instance1)
On Configure Components Screen, Select the components that you want to be installed.
After you make selections.......click next........
On the Database details screen, Enter the database connection details as shown above.
Connect String format: Host:Port:Service_name
Enter the BIPLATFORM Schema username with prefix that you declared while setting up schemas and password. Click Next to continue...........
Configuration script automatically configures the ports, unless you want them to be configured manually using a configuration file such as Staticports.ini. Configuration Wizard automatically assigns Node Manager Port 9556 by default, unless specified.
Note: If configuring OBI in a shared Middleware where Node Manager is installed, OBI script uses the existing Node Manager and its Port Number.
Review the summary screen and save the file (optional). Click Configure to run the Configuration Script.
Monitor the Configuration process and check for any errors or warnings....
Click Abort to stop the configuration process.
ion of image060
This Screen Shows the completion of the Configuration process without any errors.
Complete Screen, Gives the details of the installed products and also the Configured components. Save this file for future review.
Go to the URL, Specified in the Configure components section above for Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
Login with the Credentials that you entered earlier while setting up the Configuration Wizard for Username and Password. This will bring the following screen
Client Tools Installation
As we have noticed we don’t have any Client tools available with this installed BI System. Please refer to the Other document for the instructions on the installation of Client tools.
After the installation of the client tools either on the server or on the client (as the mater release of client tools package is made compatible with 64bit systems also) we need to create system DSN for the OBI server as follows
Click Add to add the data System DSN for server.
Select "Oracle BI server 1" and click finish. This opens a wizard to configure the DSN as follows.
Assign the values as given while doing the installation of the OBI server.
Choose relevant options. Make sure you provide the correct port number as available from the Configuration wizard details screen. (or saved file).
Here you have the option to select the default subject area, language, and regional settings and database. Select appropriate values. Click finish to complete the creation of system DSN.
Administration Tool:
Open the administration tool from Start -> Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client -> BI Administration
Admin Toolimage070
Provide the details for
Repository Password: Admin123 (default - for sampleAppLite)
User: MARBI (Admin User)
Password: Admin pass
Here we can see the Admin tool with online RPD for SampleAppLite.rpd.
Note: Please see the Client tools Document for the details regarding DSN changes that may need to be made for 64-bit systems and other client tool related topics.
This completes the installation of OBIEE 11G on Microsoft Windows 2003 X64 system.
****NOTE: you can install multiple OBIEE installs on a single server (into separate Oracle Homes). You just have to make sure the ports do not conflict and you have the appropriate OS resources (cpu/memory) and there are no port conflicts
Two ways to avoid port conflicts are:
Option1: Have env 1 running and when installing env 2 use autoport. It will detect used ports and increment
or option 2: use staticports.ini to manually configure ports

Additional Screenshots
URL: http://venkat-62e03a94:7001/console

ORACLE BI Enterprise Manger
URL: http://Hostname:7001/em


Comments and Suggestions are welcome........                                          till next time.........